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serve our neighbours

Serving our Neighbours


Cook Club

Every Wednesday (15.30 -17.30) a team from St Peter’s and other local churches prepare a meal which is served in the Church Hall. Anyone from the local community is welcome to come and share the meal at no cost. To volunteer or join us at the Cook Club, please contact us here.


Open Doors 

Our church doors are open for several hours during the day on a Wednesday and Friday and you are welcome to come in for a chat, to find out more about the history of St Peter's Church, or simply to have some time in silence and prayer . You can also volunteer as a church steward during these open door periods, by contacting us here.


Mothers Union

Wednesday (monthly) 13.00 -14.30. To find out more about the work of the Mothers Union locally and in the Diocese of Edinburgh click here.


Marathon Café

We serve our wider community at this yearly event by providing free tea, coffee and cakes for runners and spectators at the Edinburgh Marathon Festival on a Sunday at end of May.


School Chaplaincy

In conjunction with the St Andrew’s High Church minister, our team and clergy are also involved with Pinkie St Peter’s primary school.


Carol Singing in the Town

A traditional activity visiting various locations and care homes in the town, joining together with other churches in Musselburgh. In 2024, this community event will be on the 14th of December, between 10am and 12 noon.


Local Foodbank

We support a local foodbank through regular collections and donations by church members.

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